Paintings in Stoke Mandeville Hospital
A few years ago (2008), during my Buckinghamshire Arts Week Exhibition at Obsidian Art Gallery, a representative from the Stoke Mandeville Hospital asked Trisha to supply the hospital board with copies of certain paintings which they might be interested in purchasing for the newly completed wing.
This request was passed on to me and I duly supplied a CD containing ten of my paintings from the exhibition.
I heard nothing for a few weeks and as we were passing the gallery one day my wife and I called in to say hello – as you do – and Trisha asked me if I had received an e-mail that morning from her – which I hadn’t, due to our early departure – on asking what it was about she told me that she had heard back from ‘The Hospital’.
“Oh!” I said “Which painting did they choose”
“Well actually” she said “they want all ten!”
Trisha arranged for the paintings to be re-framed in the style they wanted, with perspex instead of glass and then fixed to the walls using special tamper-proof mountings.
We went to visit them shortly afterwards.
A few months later the hospital managed to find some additional funding and bought four more of my paintings.